Truths That May Not Be True

January 5th, 2025

Currently Reading: The Book of Eels: Our Enduring Fascination with teh Most Mysterious Creature in the Natural World by Patrik Svensson; Translated by Agnes Broomé

Currently Watching: Father of the Bride pt. 2

Currently Listening: Aurora In The Dark ((Atmospheric Playlist))

One fun fact about me is that I think of myself as a very scientific and logical thinker, but I do believe in the metaphysical for certain, specific things. I think magic and metaphysics exist to make life more interesting. Why should I be bound to proven facts when I can draw connections, theorize, and create a more interesting world to live in?

Here are some things I have decided to believe for 2025:

  1. The Evil Eye is real. If you continue to share your successes, jealousy and hate will grow. Wear an evil eye pendant to intimidate and stare down those who look at you with mal de ojo.
  2. If you don't microdose grief by loving and losing freely, when true grief hits you your heart will disease and shut down from the pain. To strengthen your heart, you must love a lot and lose a lot. Such is the elixer of life.
  3. Eels spring from a primordial fisure in the Sargasso Sea, just as they have since life first began. All life on this planet evolved from eels released from this fisure. We be but eels.
  4. The circumstances and trauma of being born shapes your personality. I was born of c-section and doctors struggled to remove me because I did not want to leave. Now I am in my 30s with a falure to launch into adulthood. My friend who has struggled with sucidal idiation sat in the womb three extra days, strangled by her umbilical cord. Ask your mother the circumstances of your birth to gain insight into your life.
  5. Humans and chickens evolved together as preditor and prey. This is why children who are picky eaters will eat chicken above any other meat. We also protect chickens in order to harvest their eggs. This is beneficial to the chicken and the human. Just as the loss of bees leads to the loss of millions of species, the loss of the chicken will mean the loss of humanity.

Can science and facts disprove these beliefs? Yeah, probably. But I choose to believe them anyway. In spite of the scientific evidence to the contrary. You can believe them too, if you'd like. Nobody is stopping you and these things are very unlikely to come up in conversation.

Allow for a little whimsy in your life.
